Annual events Survival Day Ceremony 26th January 7.30am, Simpson’s Playground Graceville near bronze canoe. International Womens’ Day Early March on or around 8th March. Please contact us if you would like to get involved in organising this small but lovely annual event. Neighbour Day Celebration We will acknowledge this date and hopefully host a community event in the second half of the year in 2022. Sorry Day Ceremony 26 May 7:00am, Sherwood Arboretum Sherwood Mabo Day Community Lunch Generally a few weeks after Reconciliation week (mid June) at or around Benarrawa Place, Graceville Elders Lunch Usually early- mid October, at Graceville Primary School Hall. Benarrawa Day Celebration Each year we try and gather on or around 20th November to celebrate all that is Benarrawa and the closing of another year. Please contact us if you would like more information and/or would like to help organise.