About Us
Benarrawa Community Development Association
Mission Statement
We build relationships with individuals, families & groups, that reflect the diversity of community to Connect, Welcome & Work together to:
Share histories and stories & build knowledge
Reflect community interests and needs
Create innovative responses to address identified needs
Enhance the strengths of the wider community, including our organisation
Develop purposeful networks and partnerships
Act for social and ecological justice.
So that working together with people we grow a resilient and connected community based on mutual respect.

About the name Benarrawa
Benarrawa Community Development Association Inc. acknowledges the Yagarabul Peoples, the Traditional and Spiritual Custodians of Yagara (Yuggera) Country. "Benarrawa" is a Yagara name for the waters and lands of the Oxley Creek. Elders gave permission to use it upon incorporation in 1995.

Our work
Benarrawa is a small and beautiful incorporated not-for-profit community organisation. We predominantly use community development methodology by building relationships with local people across southwest Brisbane to together create, develop and sustain positive initiatives which strengthen community and address issues of poverty, social and economic isolation, loneliness and general neighbourhood concerns.
Some examples of work that has taken shape over the years:
Strengthening neighbourly connections project – engaging with residents in 5 social housing blocks in Sherwood area.
Engagement project – asset mapping of Chelmer-Oxley corridor and ascertaining any gaps/areas of need
Organising and resourcing our public events in the wider community eg. International Women’s Day, Survival Day, Neighbour Day, Sorry Day, Sustainable House day.
Auspicing groups such as Graceville Community Garden, Naturebabes Playgroup, East Timorese Community centre.
Resourcing Solidarity work – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Solidarity group, Educators Learning Circles, providing safe spaces for people to connect with and learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, hosting Annual Elders Lunches.
Resourcing working groups – people coming together to work on an issue, an event or piece of work in relationship with each other.
Flood preparedness and resilience work in our local area

Benarrawa’s Values
Our values which guide the work of Benarrawa are:
We seek to build a better community together. We listen to each other, finding out what's going on in each other's lives. Together we develop the knowledge and skills to respond to the concerns and hopes we share.
We encourage and support projects and activities where we are not only helping ourselves, but others as well. We are committed to mutuality in all our relationships and in all that we do.
Social Justice
We focus our resources on those who are most excluded or marginalised in our community.
We believe that everyone has a right and the ability to make choices about their lives.
We work within a legal and ethical framework that respects privacy.
We work toward building co-operative relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
We work in a way that promotes the sustainability of relationships, projects and the environment.
We care for each other through providing access to information and support to those who wish to participate in activities and decisions.
We welcome newcomers and find ways to ensure people feel part of things. Each person's ideas and contributions are valued. We have realistic expectations of people and consider what's going on in their lives. We seek to work in ways that do not discriminate.
What is Community Development?
It is a process that connects people and organisations to build relationships and together respond to needs in the community. It involves listening and learning together to create and strengthen communities that are welcoming and inclusive.
We work from our centre in Graceville, but our community development work builds supportive relationships with people all over Brisbane and further afield.

Benarrawa works through relationships and with participants
There is a great variety of people whom Benarrawa has and continues to work with, some examples of these include:
Local community members who are active in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander issues and the Solidarity with our First People’s movement;
Local schools and groups wishing to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and to make connections with this part of our Community;
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander networks and organisations working with our First People’s and their community/s;
Newly arrived community members and people with refugee and migrant backgrounds;
Local community members interested in welcoming newly arrived and emerging community members into the community, in meaningful and respectful ways such welcome hub events;
Members of the Brisbane East Timorese Community;
Local community members who are interested in living more intentionally less complex and financially demanding lives;
Local community members who are parenting with little or no support;
Local community members who are/have been full-time carers or have become isolated because of their caring role;
Local community members experiencing isolation or barriers to participation;
Local Community members who were impacted by the January 2011 and 2022 floods and supporting the community and community organisations to be prepared for future extreme weather events

Strategic Plan
Benarrawa Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026
Strategic Directions – in 2026 we will see:
1. Benarrawa Place as an open, welcoming and friendly space for everyone in the community.
2. Benarrawa promoting diversity and building capacity for inclusive participation.
3. Collaboration with First Nation’s community members, communities and organisations to strengthen connections to Country, culture, language and history.
4. Active outreach to tackle social and economic isolation.
5. Benarrawa modelling and promoting resilience through sustainable practices.
6. Diversified funds and resources to support the organisation’s viability.
Strategic Plan Image.
Funding the work
Benarrawa receives a subsidy from the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts to fund the paid employment of the part-time community development coordinators. From time to time Benarrawa strategically seeks one-off grants to fund specific projects and the employment of project workers.